Modelling simulation results for the MobilitAria report 2019

CLIENT: Kyoto Club, Sustainable Mobility Group and CNR-IIA
PERIOD: 2019
On April 2019 the second edition of the “MobilitAria” report was presented in Rome, in the national headquarters of national railways “Ferrovie dello Stato”. This study, written by Kyoto Club, CNR-IIA (National Council for Research, Atmospheric Pollution Institute – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto sull’Inquinamento Atmosferico) with the collaboration of the Transport Research Institute Isfort, presents data on urban mobility and air quality in 14 cities and Metropolitan Areas in Italy for the period 2017-2018.
TRT contributed to a specific section of this edition, reporting the results of the estimated impacts of measures promoting the uptake of electric mobility, focusing both on transport and environmental indicators.

The simulations have been performed considering four Metropolitan Cities in Italy (Turin, Milan, Bologna and Bari), implementing applications of the MOMOS model (MOdello per la MObilità Sostenibile – Sustainable Mobility Model) developed by TRT. Selected measures supporting the uptake of electric mobility, such as electric charging stations, access regulation, parking pricing, EV car sharing, etc., have been simulated in the test scenario at 2030, comparing output indicators with respect to a Reference scenario (building on trends of the EU Reference scenario 2016).